Silhouette MatchesSilhouette MatchesSilhouette Matches

Silhouette Matches

Smallbore Silhouette Rifle Matches

Silhouette Matches

High Power Silhouette Rifle Matches

Silhouette Matches

Cowboy Lever Silhouette Rifle Matches

Range Dates

 2024 Range Dates

Smallbore Silhouette and Cowboy Silhouette Matches: Jan. 27, Feb. 24, Mar. 23, May 25, Jun. 22, July 27,

Highpower Silhouette & CLA & Pistol Cartridge Matches: Feb. 3, Mar. 2, Apr. 6,  May 4,Jun. 8 Jul. 6, Aug. 3

Washington State Smallbore Match: August 24th – 25th Washington State Highpower Match:  Sept.  14th & 15th.

Conard Barnhart Match: April 27th & 28th

Blackpowder Match the Second Sunday of each Month.

November 30th we are having a Smallbore Silhouette Match

The range will be closed April 22th through 29th.  And on August 16th & Sept. 13th.  It will be only open for match competitors.

Monday the range is closed. Even if it’s a holiday.

Authorized personal only.

text or call 360-520-5553, email [email protected]

Also be sure to check website for any changes on the range dates or anything else that comes up.